We help parents create financial freedom during the first messy but magical years of early parenthood.

Whether you’re baby-curious, pregnant or a new parent, we give you the knowledge, tools and community to nail the finances of those first few years so you can focus on actually being a parent. We want you to thrive, not just survive.

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How we can help

The Membership

Your one-stop shop for creating financial freedom as a new parent. Access expert advice, masterclasses on demand, founder Q&A and all of our best selling planners in one place.


Our expert-led masterclasses teach you how to navigate the more complex financial hurdles of parenthood. From flexible working requests to claiming child related benefits.


Accurately forecast your finances over parental leave with our comprehensive planners. We’ve calculated the formulas so you don’t have to.

The Nuggbase

The UK’s largest database of parental leave policies. Browse over 800 policies giving you transparency and data to negotiate more money for your parental leave.

What People Are Saying

“Thank you for your account and website I was able to negotiate a better maternity leave package all down to your extensive research. Its a step up from the statutory currently on offer and will be such a big help for us.”


“You gave me the balls to negotiate my maternity pay and I’ve gone from SMP to full pay for 12 weeks and half pay for 33 weeks.”


“You were the reason I found out about the Alabaster Ruling and got a lump sum paid to me after I sent your advice to my HR.”


The #1 financial community for new parents.

Giving you insight, support, transparency and community during the first few years of parenthood.

Bestselling Masterclasses

Over 3000 happy customers since 2023.

Start planning for your parental leave

Use our comprehensive planners to accurately forecast your income over your maternity leave.

The Nuggbase

Browse through the Nuggbase, the UK’s largest database of parental leave policies

About us!

We’re Harriet and Katie - two girls on a mission to completely transform parental leave pay.

Harriet is currently child-free, and would love a family down the line.

Katie has just been through a maternity leave (of sorts! Self-employed life means there was not much time off work) and has an 18-month-old.

Over the past year and a half, we have absorbed ourselves in the world of parental leave pay.

Our goal is to completely transform maternity and paternity pay for the better, so that families are educated, financially prepared and excited for the bundle of joy.

We hang out a lot in our community, so join us and say hi 👋!