Childcare Schemes in England
There are two main schemes to help you with the cost of childcare in England.
You can now access 15hrs of funded childcare from 9 months in England for working parents, which is doubling to 30hrs of funded childcare in September.
This, combined with the tax free childcare scheme, can reduce your childcare costs by hundreds of pounds per month.
However! There are lots of eligibility requirements to get your head around and crucial timings to work out.
This hour long masterclass will answer all your key questions about how the schemes work and how to access the hours.
We will provide 30 minutes of content with 30 minutes dedicated to answering your questions so we can get through as many as possible.
Please note, this masterclass will not be appropriate for those earning 100K+. You might be interested in this session that we ran with wealth manager & financial coach Philly Ponniah instead.
Who is eligible for funded and tax free childcare hours
What net adjusted income means and how to work it out
How do they work out your income if you’re self employed
How and when to apply for funded hours
What happens if you are on your maternity leave
Universal credit & funded hours
How and when to apply for tax free childcare
What happens if you are made redundant
Parents who are planning on accessing childcare schemes in England this year, where no parent makes over £100,000 per year.
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